FM To Syria Accuses US of Stoking "Terrorism," 95% of "Syrian Rebels" Are NOT Syrian

Photo: Associated Press, Jason Decrow
Walid Al-Muallem, Foreign Minister to Syria, spoke to the UN's General Assembly on Monday and brought his government's case to the world.

He has blamed the media, extremists, the US, and its allies for campaigning terrorism, which has led to an intensifying war at hand in Syria

Furthermore, that these "rebels" must be receiving foreign funding, staffing, and weaponry.

It is clear in his speech, that Al-Muallem words were towards the US, France, and Britain, in the supporting of the Libyan Revolution, which led to the murder of Muammar Gaddhafi's by the so-called "rebels." That were known to have brand new U.S. army fatigues and weaponry.

That same murder and invasion that took place in Libya just about a year now, were too and against,  International Laws, policies and procedures.

In an interview with RT News, Dr. Daoud Khariallah, a professor of International Law at Georgetown University, has brought to light that many actions on the UN, US, and its allies's behalf, have been in violation. That the handling of and the accusations being made toward's Assad and his government, does not comply with International Laws.

Is this the same steps being taking by the UN, US, and it's allies, as they did with Libya and several other countries in the past with False Flag Wars? Is the information being provided from mainstream to the public misleading the masses? Or is this a lie being made up by those affiliated with Assad to protect his government?

You decide, but, when you do, just make sure that you have done some real researching, by taking a look at "all points," that have been laid out on the table from mainstream, the internet, Assad's government, and other parties involved. So, that you are "NOT" misled into a "ponzi scheme," and propaganda, that has significant similarities of what took place in Libya, a year ago. Just remember that a war is a campaign which brings forth plenty of financial profits for those who are involved, except the common man.

See the truth for what is and not for what is being painted. There are always three sides to "any" story: "your side, my side and the truth!" Stay awake my friends and as always "Each One Teach One!"

Sources & Learn More:
Operation Northern Woods Information Center
What Is False Flag War?
War: The Last Ponzi Scheme? Max Keiser Reports (youtube)- Markets! Finance! Security Scandals! (E72)

Update: UK Withdraws Threat Of Raiding Ecuador's Embassy Over WikiLeaks Founder, Julian Assange

Since being granted diplomatic asylum from Ecuador's government, WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, is still inside of the Britain's Ecuadorian Embassy awaiting any news on a safe exit out of London.
Photo From:

When the British government made their threat of seizing Assange if he tried to exit the Embassy, even though, he was granted his asylum, Ecuador did not take those threats lightly. Quito and the Ecuadorian government was infuriated after that warning and took the necessary steps to make this change happen.

With the exclusion of the US and Canada, the Washington based Organization of American States, and the South American foreign ministers, disapproved the UK's threat and supported Correa's stance that Britain's warning was deplorable, which could resolute to a dangerous outcome, if Assange continues to be held up in the Embassy.

Back in May, Assange and Correa befriend one another after the interview on The Julian Assange Show.

President Correa also expressed that he shares Assange fears that if he were to be sent to Sweden, the US would extradite him for the WikiLeaks publications in 2010 of secret US cables.

Correa sat down with RT News and gave an exclusive interview stating, "Imperial ambitions," "won't change Ecuador's position on Assange."

Fortunately, the threats of London's police raiding the Embassy have now been withdrawn.

This past Saturday, the Ecuadorian government gave notice that it received, "a communication from the British Foreign Office which said that there was no threat to enter the embassy."

Ecuador's President, Rafael Correa stated in a weekly media address, "we consider this unfortunate incident over, after a grave error by the British in which they said they would enter our Embassy."

On the following day, Sunday, a British spokeswoman made a statement, " we remain committed to the process of dialogue we have entered into and we want that to resume with the government of Ecuador."

In support of Julian Assange, the Hactivist Group Anonymous, made claims of taking down the websites of Interpol and a British police force in, "Operation Free Assange," a campaign calling for the freedom of the WikiLeaks founder.

Anonymous has also made claim of taking down Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA), the UK police unit who's role is known for operations against serious and organized crimes in that country.

There are also reports of protesters that supports Assange, still vigilant in their cause, are outside of UK's Ecuadorian Embassy, holding up signs, "I'm Julian," and wearing Guy Fawkes masks.

In the event of all this media and support from so many across the globe, Assange still remains trapped inside the embassy and awaits his long endured diplomatic freedom of asylum.

Will he make it to Ecuador safe? Even though that promise has been made by the Ecuador's government, keep in mind that in many cases that there is always someone on the inside who is working for the outside.Who will pay the price for his asylum with their life? I hope no one does and that Assange is truly protected to the fullest.

I say these things because Assange is an asset and many want him gone. His knowledge can bring many countries into an uproar by the citizens, including the US, due, to the information that he and WikiLeaks has. I do not wish any harm onto him or anyone that has aided him in this. He is a brave man and hero in my eyes because he stood up and let the masses know the truth of what lies behind that hidden veil.

The truth is something that is and should always set you free. It should not be used against you by lying on you and creating distractions that points the finger elsewhere from what the real initial story is and was about.. In today's world, it is the complete opposite. Especially, when it deals with government secrets and laws that are purposely created to control and hold you. We as people have the right to know what is really going on in this world. If we don't ask questions then how would we ever know?

Stop living in a world that has been "created" for you by those who paint a "false picture" and live in a world of  "awaken reality."

"Do you see with your eyes or do you visualize what you see?"-C.F.


Check out some previous blogs on Julian Assange:
Julian Assange OF WikiLeaks Breaks Silence on Asylum Deadlock
Ecuador Grants WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Political Asylum

Just in from ABC News: World Today
Assange Case Forces Ecuador To Release Jailed Dissident 

Huffington Post
RT News
Chicago Tribune
Truth Theory
Democratic Underground

An Update And Somethings You Should Know About The Empire State Building Shooting That Occurred On August 24

I would like to start this off with the picture above and want you to take a real good look and the surveillance footage that was frozen to show you what really happened with at least one of the officers who was "supposedly" firing at the gunman. Keep in mind there are two officers shooting in this picture. How does this add up to you? Well, for me, it doesn't!

Now, I would like for you to watch a short video of the actual surveillance footage, from the frozen picture above provided below.

From what I saw after watching this video and I will repeat there are two officers firing shots that it is obvious that one is not firing at the "actual gunman," who has the .45 caliber on him. What I will say is, "the surveillance video is showing you exactly what did occur." 

This is how I see things in life, facts are facts and man's words are no longer his bond in many cases. Especially, due to all the mischievous misleading and intentional distractions that are given to the public by mainstream media and the people behind and in front of them. History has proven this and I will leave it at that.

After all the confusing media reports, confusion, and misleading stories. I decided to just wait and see what sold information would turn up after the tragic shooting  that occurred at the Empire State Building last Friday. That led to police killing the gunman Johnson and injuring innocent bystanders in the process of this. 

On Friday, the day of the shooting, a press release statement was given by both Mayor Bloomberg and Commissioner Kelly

Commissioner Ray Kelly, made a statement  yesterday, which proves that the NYPD did fire shots that wounded 9 civilians. The Commissioner stated that 3 out of the nine were injured by police bullets and the other 6 were hit by fragments..???

Folks, as with this and any other story, there is always more to it. The question is, will we ever know? 

Many witnesses have given statements on live television on the day of the shooting and from what I heard and viewed from them and from what mainstream actually reported, are two and many completely different stories. 

Take the time out to really go through this tragedy for yourselves from the beginning until now and put the factual pieces you can find together in this puzzle to get the real picture from what is being other than reported by mainstream and find your own truth. 

Again, and as always I will say it like a mantra, "I am not here to mislead neither to co-hearse your minds into believing anything. What I do is help open your mind's eye, "the 3rd eye," the intuitive eye, that we all posses and can achieve clarity by bringing you facts that makes you think n all this confusion and distractions that a purposely given. Then, hopefully you apply it for the betterment of the self by raising oneself from the "lowerself into the higherself of consciousness!" "Free your minds and always, "Each One teach One."

Check out my blog about what occurred on the day of the shooting:


New York's Empire State Building Shooting

Photo from:
What has been described as "a workplace dispute that spilled out into the street,"  happened today at New York's Empire State building and into the streets. It has been reported so far  that 2 are dead and 9 more (some media reports are claiming 10, while others are claiming 11) are injured when a shooting broke outside Manhattan's Empire State Building.

Police have identified the now dead suspect as 53year old, Jeffrey Johnson, who is a women's fashion designer.

Reports are says that Johnson may have been motivated by a workplace dispute. Johnson was laid off about a year ago and returned Friday, blending in wearing a suit and had a brief case as he was going to work, sources are saying. He was noticed, then stopped by security who informed him of his termination.

Stay tuned as this story develops. I just had to get this out just in case you have friends or family that work in or aound the Empire State Building.

Another thing that I've notice with this developing story is that many sources are giving all complete different stories from Mr. Johnson's age, to when he was released from his job, how many people were actually hit, to him being a disgruntle employee, to the police's bullets may have hit innocent bystanders, to the construction worker following him, etc. What is being reported is, nothing but confusion right now, in my ears and eyes!

I refuse to mislead you all and will wait for more sold information as this story grows. What I will add is, "will this tragedy be used as a ponzi-scheme that forces the government to disarm us?" It seems that since more shootings are occurring, that this has been the topic of conversation through the media and government officials.

My words are NOT to be used as "scare-tactics" neither as "fear-mongering," consider it a "food for thought, " and "one to grow on," due to the fact ,that every time a tragedy occurs that involves a shooting, you better believe and it is proven that the media has a field day with gun control laws and the right to bears arms...

In the mean time, please read the articles, watch the video, and view some photos, which I must warn you, are graphic from the sources below..

An Update & Somethings You Should Know About The Empire State Building Shooting On August 24

Washington Post
RT. News
LA Times
Wikipedia: 1997 Empire State Building Shooting

Time, CNN Columnist Fareed Zakaria, Who Was Suspended For Plagiarism Is Now Reinstated

Photo from:
A little over a week ago, CNN's  Fareed Zakaria host of GPS, "Global Public Square" and columnist for the network, was suspended after he admitted to plagiarizing a column on "gun control" out of the The New Yorker by Jill Lepore.

It seems that Zakaria took some passages out of  Lapore's April 23 issue in The New Yorker, "Battleground America."  and that Zakaria's, "The Case For Gun Control," which is already out and most likely now revised, is dated for August 20, shows media reports claims, a very noticeable similarity to Lapore's essay.

What led Zakaria to commit this act? Zakaria made this statement, "Media reporters have pointed out, that paragraphs in my TIME column this week bear close similarities to paragraphs in the Jill Lepore's essay in the April 22 issue The New Yorker, they are right. I made a terrible mistake. It is a serious lapse and one that is entirely my fault. I apologize to unreservedly to her, my editors at TIME, and to my readers."

Later on, TIME also released its own statement, "TIME accepts Fareed's apology, but what he did violates our own standards for our columnists, which is that their work must not only be factual but original; their views must not only be their own, but their words as well. As a result we are suspending Fareed's column for a month, pending further review."

Now keep in mind that both statements were on August 10. Now, 3 days ago which would was August 16, a bit over a week's gap, and NOT the "month" that was stated for suspension and "pending further review," TIME, CNN reinstated Zakaria.

TIME magazine spokeswoman on Thursday states, " We have completed a thorough review of each of Fareed Zakaria's columns, for Time and we are entirely satisfied with the language in question in his recent column was an unintentional error and an isolated incident for which he has apologized."

CNN also did an internal investigation of Zakaria's work and stated, "We found nothing that merited continuing the suspension," it also reads, "Zakaria has apologized for his journalistic lapse. CNN and Zakaria will work together to strengthen further the procedure for his show and blog."

Zakaria's article in TIME has been reschedule to post in a somewhat of different context on September 7.

Now, with all of this out in the open, Zakaria's apology, and both internal  investigations seemed fit to TIME and CNN, what does that say about journalism and the media today? Can anyone admit they plagiarize another writer's work, make the apology, then get the pat on the back that it was ok and not intentionally done after being admitted by the person who did the act? Or, is TIME and CNN trying to save themselves due to the declination of viewers(CNN), in so many ways, in their ratings?

Just remember to keep in mind that Fareed's show GPS, is a flagship show. So, will the story of his plagiarism help bring TIME and CNN's ratings up? I've come to learn that attention of any kind in media, whether it is good or bad, always seems to do the trick, but will it be enough? We'll see how this one turns out in the near future..

RT News
The New York Times
Huffington Post

Julian Assange of WikiLeaks Breaks Silence on Asylum Deadlock

Photo from: ABC News
WikiLeaks Julian Assange, had a news conference today from the balcony of the London's Ecuadorian Embassy.

ABC News 24  reported that there was a heavy police presence at the embassy and if Assange steps out the building that he would be arrested. Supporters of Assange were already outside the Embassy with signs awaiting his speech.

Video of Assange's awaited public speech on the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London from RTNews  (article & video)

CNET: Assange: The WikiLeaks, The "witch-hunt must end."
U.K's The Telegraph: WikiLeaks Lawyer claims "Assange in Fighting Spirits."

Ecuador Grants WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Political Asylum

The day has finally come where WikiLeaks Founder, Julian Assange, has been granted political asylum by the Ecuadorian government. Assange, was on house arrest for 560 days, with no previous charges. Then taking refuge in Ecuador's London's Embassy since June 19. This was due the U.K's Supreme Court ruling in May which authorized his extradition to Sweden, to face questioning of an alleged rape and sexual assault.

The Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino, stated that his government had given "extreme and careful consideration" to this decision. It also appears that Assange's human rights may have been violated in this case claimed also by the Foreign Minister.

In support of Assange and this granted asylum, several protesters have been in front of the Embassy since 1 p.m.(BST) awaiting that final decision by the Ecuadorian government. The crowd is chanting "I support Ecuador and I support Julian." They are also shouting, "Hands off Ecuador!" So far, 3 protesters have been arrested for the day and many more may fall into this category as the day progresses.

However, the U.K. is not allowing Assange a safe way out of the country and police still remain at the doorsteps of the Embassy ready for anything it seems and to arrest Assange if he decides to leave the building.

Assange's diplomatic status can be revoked within a week says the British Foreign Office. Officers can also move into the Embassy and remove Julian by force. FM of Ecuador Patino, was in shock and stated that if the British entered the Embassy by force,  that it will be "a hostile and intolerable attack on his country's sovereignty."

WikiLeaks says, "the U.K. is under a binding obligation to recognize asylum, the rights of refugees and other UN laws." RT News has reported that Sweden has summoned Ecuador's ambassador and is claiming that Assange's asylum is unacceptable. 10 Police officer's did enter the London Ecuadorian Embassy, no word on what has happened as of yet. RT News, "The Foreign Ministery of Ecuador has released a statement on its website on  Assange's plea."

Press Release: Julian Assange Statement and stay tuned for further developments of this story.

WikiPedia on Julian Assange

More Cases On Tourettes Like Syndrome "Conversion Disorder" Has Come Abroad

I blogged about the initial story earlier in the month of the teens in upstate New York Le Roy County with Tourette's like Syndrome which was diagnosed by Dr.'s a "Conversion Disorder" also known as "Hysteria."

Two new cases has reared it's ugly head; this time it is in Corinth. Where 16 year old Alycia Nicholson and Lori Brownell have shown signs of these same symptoms as the teenage women at Le Roy County Junior-Senior High School..

Alycia started to show symptoms since last May which makes this case an earlier detection of this so called "dis-ease". She was playing a softball game with her team. Alycia pitched to the other team and suddenly collapsed. When Alycia came to her body was twitching and convulsing. These are the very same symptoms as the teens in upstate NY. Doctors diagnosed her as being "fatigued" but these symptoms continued into the next night where she eventually collapsed again and this time stopped breathing.

Lori Brownell 17years old, also has shown these same symptoms as Lori. She decided to show the world her story and frustrations on this so called "dis-ease," by sharing it on YouTube. This video is disturbing. My heart became heavy when watching it and for these young women who are suffering from this. Reports have shown that some Le Roy County's teens started to show symptoms last Fall. Now it is reported that it is May in Lori's case. A five month gap so far. If more cases show up earlier than that I would not be surprised at all..

The infamous and well respected environmentalist Erin Brockovich has sent representatives to collect soil samples to check to see if groundwater has anything to do with these unusual symptoms. Le Roy Junior-Senior High School ordered these representatives off of school grounds. . Keep in mind that this same school had the CDC out there and was tested for environmental issues which was "said" to be all clear with no issues at all..All I can say is HMMMMMM.... Is this environmental? Is this chemical warfare? What's really going on?

To my readers I ask that you share this information because it is becoming like an "epidemic." This is NOT to put fear in your minds and hearts. It is to bring "AWARENESS" to this "so-called dis-ease." The TRUTH is that doctors and the CDC really don't know what this is and what is causing these young teenage women to react and suffer like this. WE MUST KEEP "ONE EYE OPEN" in the handling of these cases and the information that is being "allowed" to us. I just believe that THERE IS SO MUCH MORE THAT IS NOT BEGIN SAID TO THE MASSES. History has proven this WE ARE ALWAYS THE LAST TO KNOW. I encouraged you to follow this story and educate yourselves and others on this serious matter. EACH ONE TEACH ONE.

Lori's Journey:  (Video, a week ago she did this one):

Here's the link to my blog of initial the story:
New Diagnoses: 12 Teen Girls Fall Ill At New York High School

Girls Illness Still A Puzzle

Nano Tool Watches Teardrop Protein Destroy Bacteria

Nanotechnology mixes with microbiology again. This time around it is tear drops being used as a defense against bacteria.

Just a bit of history on were this article is leading up to. Ernest Duchesne, a French medical student, originally "noticed" penicillin in 1896. Duchesne was known as "the precursor of the antibiotic action of penicillium."

Scottish born Scientist Alexander Fleming, biologist, was known as the best "bacteriologist," who "rediscoveredpenicillin in 1928. His contribution to science has brought the scientific community to a entire new era through research. Fleming discovered that proteins in tear drops called lysozyme which digests and breaks down the cell walls to improve protein or nucleic acid extraction efficiency during cell lysis.

After extensive research of the enzyme lysozyme by other scientists, Gregory Weiss, molecular biologist at the University of California, Irvine wanted to learn more. Weiss stated, "What we didn't know is that once the enzymes latches onto the side of the cell wall of bacteria, he says, "it eats all the way across the bacteria without letting go." This discovery showed how the tiny lysozyme breaks down the cells wall of the much bigger bacterium. Weiss's associate physics professor and collaborator Philip Collin stated that scientist have found a way on "listening in on the molecule." They accomplished this by using a carbon nanotubes(CNTs). What the carbon nanotubes did was it assisted in the conduction of electricity. It has a cylindrical nanostructure and also the thickest and stiffest fibers known with outstanding properties such as electronic properties that finds applications as additives to various structural materials. So what does all this mean for nanomedical science? According to Weiss it can lead to improvement in medical diagnostics such as cancer and other illness in an early stage.

I think it's cool that  they have further this research to attain this new discovery, but, what are the side effects? This is still only the beginning stages of the discovery. What else can and will come out of this? I believe in prevention before cure and that man's body has suffered for so long with illnesses due to the "lack of knowledge,"especially with cancer because of the impurities in the air, foods, and water. If this is not for you try something that is less of a risk like building up a defense against dis-eases by consuming the proper nutrients, foods, and water. That are high in antioxidants, alkaline, and that your drinking water's pH(acid/alkaline ratio) is "above" the level of 7 and more like a 9 to 14 pH level.

I hope that this information was useful to you and that you continue to seek and share knowledge that empowers you! EachOneTeachOne..OneLove!

To learn more click on link: (make sure to click on Adobe Flash Player in article also)

New Diagnoses Made :12 Teen Girls Fall Ill At New York High School

What happened to 12 teenage girls in upstate New York's LeRoy Junior-Senior High School? These young women have been suffering with body tics and uncontrollable verbal outbursts like those who have Tourette's Syndrome. Some of the teens had these "symptoms" since Fall of last year, but, it has become worst over the period of time.

Were these teens a target? Is this an environmental issue? School officials are saying no and have ruled out any violent acts or bio-hazardous chemical use against the girls. Is this a side effect from popular vaccines such as Gardasil? That has been ruled out also. These students come from all walks of life. Some of them do know each other but not all and all are in a similar age groups. So what happened to these ladies?

The Health Department for the state of New York  has called in the authorities from the CDC and a assemblage of doctors from the nearby Columbia University to deal with the matter at hand. Officials have reduced the probabilities down to these possible causes Drugs (both recreational & prescription), Environment, Infectious Dis-ease, and Genetics. How are some of these possible? Genetics for example, none of these women are related so that rules that one out. The school's environment has been ruled out due to testing. There were no traces of infectious disease through food born illness found. Yet, the teens still have only one thing noticeably in common and that is the school. Is it drugs? Well some of these girls have been hospitalized or have gone to their physician to seek some sort of medical treatment. So, automatically a blood test was conducted and no drug abuse have been reported or neither found.

What and where does that leave doctors in this diagnosis? Dr. Laszlo Mechtler, neurologist, told the TODAY show "It's happened before, all around the world, in different parts of the world. It's a rare phenomena. Physicians are intrigued by it." In other words, "we have no idea what this is, don't know what to do with it, and your daughters will be "subjected" to many "tests" (experiments) until we do or if we can figure this one out." Think about it..

Now, and on more of a recent update. These young women have been diagnosed with "Conversion Disorder." also known as "hysteria." Since it's so many of them with this diagnosis it is now unfortunately called "mass hysteria."  This dis-ease (conversion disorder) that they were diagnosed with has similar side effects but is brought on by a traumatic event(s) or stress. The teens were asked questions about their stress levels and daily lives, but nothings accommodates the "root" of the problem. Stress? How can stress react in the same way to different people who have different lives and different stress levels? It just doesn't add up and seems as if that diagnosis is more to calm people down and prevent them from worrying.

What about the girls and there medical privacy? Apparently, since this story has hit mainstream media the parents of the teens are infuriated that the state refuses to conceal the information about the illness. I know for a fact the when the CDC comes in there is no privacy for the individual infected, but, let there be an "outbreak" and the public will be the last to know. Does this sound like the movie, "Contagion?" or is the public over reacting off of nothing? Only time will tell. In the mean time, several of the girls have been treated but not cured and some still experience verbal outbursts. The teens parents aren't buying what these doctors are selling them at all. They know that there is more to this illness called parental intuition (if I may) and want answers and a cure. I hope that these young women become better, back to a full recovery, and back to their daily teenage lives. I will keep you updated on any more developments in this story.

Listen to their story:


Is Cancer Being Used As A Weapon?

Is cancer being used as a weapon? This subject here is a touchy one but also informative. I am only going to state some facts, but, not all. The rest will be up to you, the reader, to seek further inquires on this topic. This is to open your mind on the possibilities that may factor out to be true, but, it is clearly your decision in the end.

Scientifically speaking and having an overstanding of how and why Cancer cells becomes out of control. This is only some examples of what causes this. It is the "lack of" antioxidants and alkaline in the body, food, and water. Which causes an "reaction" in the cells that leads to a deficiency ans a break down to the immune system. When the cells are starved of these powerful fighters the body allows the white blood cells to be attacked by this dis-ease. There are several different parts of blood that are involved in fighting infection. The red blood cells (erythrocytes) contains the rich iron-protein hemoglobin can be produced more radically and out of control than the white blood cells (leukocytes) can "fight back" when the immune system is infected. There is a lack of oxygen that does not allow the cells to regenerate (they can't breathe) themselves. Your blood contains much fewer white blood cells than red although the body can produce white blood cells production to fight infection. So this is why you must replenish your bodies with the proper "fuel" in order for it to maintain healthy function.

Here's a quick theory: Think of your body as a battery. What happens to a battery when it loses the alkaline (that juice; that power; that charge)? It dies, just like the cells in your body does. Same concept. So what is missing must be put back in or "charged" into the body as a "defense" to give back and continue those cells purpose and healthy production.

Let's start this off with the foods that we eat. Many of our foods i.e. meats, poultry, seafood, fruits, nuts, grains, vegetables, & their seeds have been genetically modified and hormone induced for profits and mass production. Let's not forget the Chemical Trails that seems to be appearing more and more everyday from private airlines who are not scheduled for flights that day, but are spraying chemicals. So what does all this mean?

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) have been approved since 1995 and are known to have pesticides that are linked to cancer, birth defects, & the disruption of male hormones. Still, Monsanto , the USDA, and other companies in the same field create & approve these biochemical products that we as consumers purchase and then eat; believing that the proper nutrients are being administered to our bodies. How is that possible when it is "genetically engineered"? There isn't anything "natural" about GMO's. It is exactly what it is "genetically modified." Yet, many big corporations profit off this and the consumers are the ones who suffer physically, & psychologically.

How is that? Hormones & chemicals can alter your mood it unbalances the human body because it is not of nature; it is a foreign substance invading the human body. For instance, fluoride. We are told that fluoride is necessary for dental care by our dentists. We are also told to drink tap water which has fluoride in it; water that many still drink till this day. Then there are the commercials stating that our tap water is safe and is the safest here in the State of Florida. How is that possible? When this toxic fluoride is used in water fluoridation which causes so many side effects in the young, elderly, anyone with impaired kidney disease, diabetics, those who suffer with Vitamin C deficiencies. It has also been confirmed that fluoride is a carcinogen that causes bone cancer in young males when too much is ingested after a period of time. So, why do they tell to use this again? Why would our government allow this knowing that the side effect are horrific and can cause death? Do you see my point?

How many of you take or it has been suggested by your Primary Care Physician to take "artificial sweeteners" such as: Splenda, Equal, NutraSweet, Sweet n Low? What about "die(t)" drinks of ANY KIND OR BRAND? Take notice to the first three letters of the word "diet." That alone should tell you something. These same artificial sweeteners cause cancer. They have a chemical that tries to taste like sugar but is either Aspartame, Saccharin, Sucralose, Acesulfame, Neotame, Cyclamate or some new invention created in their labs for you the consumer i.e. "the guinea pig" to test out. You too are ingesting lethal doses of poisons which have been proven to cause cancer. So, why would your Dr. tell you to take this? I encourage you to ask questions and will leave that for you and your MD to discuss. In my eyes, it is a profit cycle: Insurance Companies+Doctor+Prescription+Pharmacy+Hospital= Patient's health and a whole of of bills which means PROFITS FOR THAT CYCLE , AILMENTS, and EVEN DEATH. As consumers we must take heed to what is being presented. Just because your Dr. tells you to take something does not mean that you don't ask questions; YOU ASK AND ASK INTELLIGENTLY by having a knowing and doing the research.

I have only covered a very thin layer which goes root deep. Take the time out of your lives to learn more about cancer and prevention. Know your body it is the only one you have until it is your time to move on to the next journey; meaning, the next life. Stop falling for these commercials that are psychologically controlling you to buy these products and that are bad for you. Read the back of labels when purchasing groceries; learn the terminologies. Learn more natural ways to detox these toxins that are being consumed on a daily basis or how about you STOP EATING THEM. Grow your own vegetables; more like super foods that can cure. I mean there's so many ways to go around it and I know that they are buying up the small business and still using their labels but are owned by big businesses, but the "true power" lies within your hands as the consumer if we didn't buy it; it wouldn't sell. Don't allow Big Government, their Scientists, and their Allies to continue to control what you eat an drink. New laws have been passed right under our noses and the inevitable it yet to come. What is next for us in this world and the foods that we eat? TAKE back our Agriculture GAIN back your lives.. YOU ARE THE CURE..STOP THE GENOCIDE OF MANKIND..

Take a look at the what Hugo Chavez has to say about the spread of cancer in South America and the amount of Hispanic leaders in South America who have been diagnosed with cancer in the link below. Each One Teach One.

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