Let it be known, that this Traditional knowledge has been used in today's fundamental religions, faiths, belief systems, and western science that claim it as their own or say it is evil. When there's a balance of good and evil, up and down, left and right that exists within the universe. Which is the duality of the universe; that mankind is a product of. Even Nature may have both feminine and masculine qualities within the species. It may not show out right, if it is feminine or masculine, yet, make no mistake, it still carries bi-polar energies that are needed to create life.When it all originated and has been taken from the Occult's known as "The Old Ways." Better familiarized in modern terms as PAGAN.
The Bible is occultic, as well as the Koran, Kabbalah, Talmud, Temple of Set, Freemasons, The Circle 7( Five percenters), Wicca, White Light, New Age Christians, Gnostic Christians, Catholics, Luciferians, Church Of Satan, Taoist, Zoroastrian, Baptist, Methodist, Protestants, Jehovah Witness, Hebrew Israelites, Sevenths Day Adventists, Voodoo, Vodun, IFA, Santeria, Ottoman Empire, Mongols (Pre-Islam) along with those ancient teachings of the Buddhist and Hindus Monks, not a complete list, but, you get my point. The Kabbalah out of all will have the most spells because they practice the most in retaining and keeping the Old Ways in "fundamental religions." Before there was religion, there was always the "Tradition," linked with Nature, the Spirit, the Essence of Nature, Cosmos, and the Universe. Let it be known that ALL knowledge is neutral until man chooses by his own free Will on how and what he utilizes it for. For every positive there's a negative and for every negative there's positive, BALANCE. As life is taketh it is giveth and vice versa, hence again the dualistic nature of the poles.
Now, are Planetary Hours the same as daylight savings time or time itself? Absolutely not. Planetary Hours stay the same and man's time changes to suit his own needs in our physical world. Do not twist what I am saying about it, "staying the same;" continue to read before you judge, then you will overstand where I am coming from.
Planetary Hours was used by the ancient system (Chaldean," I can go further than this, but, I choose to stay in this Babylonian dynasty(some claim it is babylonian and some not, you do the research and decide) I want you to go further. I am only here, "to plant the seeds."
The ancient system consist of a 24 hour day. However, that day is VERY different from what we use today. A full day to the ancients was from sun-up to sun-up. Please keep in mind that two cultures/religions still uses the similar concept, Hebrews and Muslims sunset to sunset, yet, it is still the same concept; a 24 hour cycle.
I want you to also think about, "the changing of the seasons." There are two days that daytime and nighttime are exactly the same length throughout the year; the "Spring and Autumnal Equinoxes." Given the knowledge there are only two days within a year that are equal; with nighttime and daytime being of unequal lengths.
The Ancients decided when daytime and nighttime started by light and dark or one can say sunrise to nightfall (sunset). Now knowing this we can say that in the summer, the daytime is longer than nighttime. The Hours do not differ in length and the term "hour," being used today is a man made concept. Man made concept meaning that the planet Earth revolves (switches) around the Sun at a rate of 365 days a year and six hours. Man wanted a means to "tell time." A method was created to break it down into equal parts by way of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds; which is the modern conception of time. As a result, we have leap year every four years and it is not the same as what Planetary Time "actually" is. Henceforth, the introduction of Benjamin Franklin's, keeping of a 24 hour time cycle.
This same man made time has been used against the working class too, as a form of physical slavery, to keep them working longer hours. It is the same concept of the more time allotted in the day, the more hours society is structured to work; which gives companies more "time" to accumulate more profits. It is something to think about..
Planetary Hours are hours "ruled" by fixed planets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn and are based on ancient astrological system of the Chaldean "Order of the Planets." That stipulates the orbital velocity of the planets and from a Heliocentric perspective, this sequence does too indicate the relative distance of the planets from the center of the orbits to the distance of the planets from the sun and the distance of the earth; the sun and earth switching places in the sequences; revolving. The planet that rules the first hour of the day rules that given day.
Planetary Hours for the days of the week: Sunday (Day of the Sun), Monday (Day of the Moon), Tuesday (Latin/Spanish "Martes," (Day of Mars),Wednesday (Day of Mercury), Thursday (Day of Jupiter), Friday (Day of Venus), and Saturday (Day of Saturn).
As you can see astronomy and astrology(magick), which are both occultic, plays a serious role in what man has used for his own needs. So keep in mind that "Time" in this realm is a man-made concept! In closing, here's an excellent book to read, "Anacalypsis, by Godfrey Higgins (pdf)," from Jordan Maxwell's site. Chapter One alone gives you a ton of information on what I have written on and just remember that physical books are always the way to go; they are tools that can be passed on for generations!
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Textahedra(tetrahedral)-Star Of David Symbol in DJHUITIU/TUHITI hand. Natural Representation Of Knowledge, Science, Speech, Communication, & Wisdom. Known as the Seal Of Solomon which contains Astrological & Hermetic symbols includes Ouroboros |
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Thoth The God, Thutmose, Djhuiti, Tuhiti |
"What is time to time , if time does not know time. Therefore, time does not exist to time, in the Old Ways." Each One Teach One:
Learn More:
Astrology.com Planetary Hours Calculator
Planetary Hours Elections In The Key Of Solomon(RenaissanceAstrology)
Jordan Maxwell Bringing Light Into The World Of Darkness
How Are Planetary Hours Calculated?(ChronosXP)
Philosophy of Natural Magick: End Matter by Morley: Symbols Of The Alchemist
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