Dick Gregory's site was used to put this knowledge out because of the scarcity of information about Mr. Hanson. You can also find more information from the Book, "What They Never Told You In History Class", by Indus Khamit-Kush, which has never been returned back after being lent out..smh. This is why I encourage you all to get physical books and at least two copies of them, just in case, this happens to you too(lesson learned; I will no longer loan books out), and not depend solely on the internet as an only resource.
Many will try to debunk this and say the photography was not invented till the 1800's. That is a european mind state that has the world brainwashed. There was something back then called Lithograph. There is also, Photolithography, that has been "claimed," to be invented in 1796 and you will find it also being stated the year 1798, by Alois Senefelder. Well this picture has been around before that, so what does that tell you?
The photo above of Mr. Hanson has been created in an older version that shows the use of lithograph. I chose to use this one in particular due to it's clarity. This is when I encourage you do your own researching and I will leave it at that for now.
John Hanson, a "Moor", you will, too find, many definitions of the word also; he was the first black President, not our current President, Barack Hussein Obama, aka, Barry Soetoro.
A Moor is a melanated complexion that gives description of the people. You have Christians Moors, Muslim Moors, Moorish Hebrews, Moorish Chinese(another topic that will be discussed later on the Ming dynasty, in another blog), Dravidian Moors, Moorish Hindu's, Moorish Buddhist. Hence do you follow what a Moor is and so forth.
Keep in mind, that there are so many stories of John Hanson, that are not correct and that you will find different dates of birth, places of birth, and of course his race; down to him being born in the Caribbean.
Hanson was first a merchant and then became a public official. He was active and served a variety of roles for the Patriot cause in Maryland and in 1779, he became a delegate to the Continental Congress.
He was the first black "free man" to hold the position of presidency from 1781-1782 A.D., through the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation, which later became the United States of America under the US Constitution.
The reality about this country's history is that the "new country," was not actually formed until March 1, 1781, under the adoption of the Articles of Confederation. The proposal of this document was not until June 11, 1776 and was not agreed upon by Congress until November 15, 1777. Maryland did not want New York and Virginia to gain too much power in this new government, due to, the large amounts of land that both of these states had. The colony of Maryland refused to sign this document until New York and Virginia ceded their western lands.
Since this new government was founded, they would need a leader to carry out the duties for the role of President. Mr. Hanson was elected, many will say forced, for the position. Eventhough, he did not want this position, the unanimous vote, which included George Washington's own vote, placed him in the position as "President," because he was the most qualified man for the job at the given time. In fact, other potential candidates refused to run against him, for he was a major player for the revolution and a highly influential member of Congress.
It was towards the end of the Revolutionary War when he took office. If it was not for John Hanson, the troops would not have been paid because they demanded their pay at the time he came into the scene as President. To add, the troops would not have boots if it was not for President Hanson. It is a fact, John Hanson sent 800 pounds in sterling silver, by way of his brother, Samuel Hanson, to General George Washington to provide the troops with these boots that were necessary for battle.
Just as with any long drawn out war, the salaries of the troops could not be met and they demanded their pay. He was the richest man in the colonies, at the time, and when the army came up short in funds for their troops. The troops went as far as to threaten to overthrow the new government and to put George Washington on the throne as the new monarch. When Congress heard this, they ran for their lives, leaving Hanson the only man left running the government. No worries however, some how, Mr. Hanson got the troops to calm down and still manage to hold the country together by being its President. If he didn't bring the calmness to a level of overstanding, the new country would have been bowing to King George Washington, instead.
Since the days following Columbus, many European countries had a stake in the new country.. John Hanson ordered the removal of all foreign troops off of American soil; along with all foreign flags.
Hanson established the Great Seal of the new country, that all Presidents from then on, have been required to use on all official documents. He also is responsible for the first, Treasury Department, first Secretary of War, and the first Foreign Affairs Department.
Mr. Hanson, was one of the US's first entrepreneurs to own hotels, due to his wealth in the hospitality field.
What is also still true and does exist in this day, is that John Hanson had declared every fourth Thursday in the month of November as Thanksgiving Day.
So, here's the twist to the story. Take a look at the three pictures below, especially, the two the right, these are the faces that has been shown throughout the US's his-story, as a diversion to who and what President Hanson actually looked like. Why call it a diversion? Because anything having to do with melanated people of African ancestry especially the Moors, and the ingenious contributions that has been given by them; has been purposely hidden and altered in this country, by Europeans.
As you can see in the pictures above, he went from being a dark skinned man to the one in the middle, a pale skinned man, which came in the late 1990's, 1998 to be exact, when the $2 bill was changed again, this time he is a caucasian man.
I can remember being told as a child of this same $2 bill as being "bad luck" and as I got older and I flipped that bill over I too saw a dark skinned man. Then all of a sudden the public was told to turn these bills into the banks for the new ones with the big faces. There are very few of these bills that circulate our nation today and if you attempt to find the reverse side of the old ones before 1988, good luck. For there are not many out there and the internet is part of the propaganda of who and what this man really looked like.
Mr. Hanson has been changed to a mulatto (this term is in the US Constitution) and that America has taught that any person with one drop of negro blood is considered Black known as the One Drop Rule. They will say biracial, however, let's keep it real with the meaning, black is Moorish and Moorish is black, on the 2009 version of the bill above.
So what happened? Well, many will and have stated, that the picture on the left of the dark skinned black man is a fake and photography was not around when this man lived. However, this is what shuts down that thought. It is known in history for artist to paint the portrait of their subjects especially in that time to be lighter that what they are, their features, and even the entire portrait of what the original person, actually looked like.
Why is there so much fuss by society of what race this man really was, who are not of the African race? Why are there so many misleading stories that have been purposely put out to distract and mislead those who seek?
If one would look at any old $2 bills from "under the year 1988." On the reverse side, one will find a dark skinned man on the actual bill who is the real President Hanson. As the years went by and the appearance of the currency changed, so too, did the features and complexion of President Hanson. Within two hundred years plus, he became a "mulatto" man on the $2 bill. Ask yourselves why did they continue to change the way he looked including his complexion and why has this bill been such a problem by being called "bad luck." Why can't you even find this actual bill of the dark skin John Hanson in circulation and only a few on this planet have the actual one in their possession.
Now, since we were taught in his-story and not real history that George Washington is the first president of this nation when he really was the 8th, here's a listing of who was before Washington: John Hanson (1781-1782), Elias Boudinot (1783), Thomas Mifflin (1784), Richard Henry Lee (1785), Nathan Gorman (1786), Arthur St. Clair (1787), Cyrus Griffin (1788).
America has even gone as far to deny the existence of this dark skinned black man and create a stamp that shows a mulatto and a statue given by Maryland in 1903 to the National Statuary Hall that has been used in his-story. This country was not ready for a free man who was a Moor (Black) in the heighten times of slavery and the same goes for our time now.
The United States has done its job to erase who the real John Hanson really was, but, if you read books instead of clicking away for information on the web, you will be very surprise of what you will find. We have been conditioned to forget about these physical books and only use the internet for everything in our lives. We must remember that we do not know who owns the majority of these domains and what their real intentions are. Propaganda is a tool used by main stream media, including the internet, to keep us confused, distracted, misled, apart, and argumentative towards one another.
Truth, is something that does not need approval from anyone and when you have generations of people of color whose ancestors have spoken of this man to their families to pass down this piece of black history and express it to the world, it becomes a problem and a lie in the eyes of those who just cannot and refuse to relate.
I chose to do this blog to bring awareness especially to my melanated people and to show how this country continues to cover up things that my ancestors have contributed to this nation. Especially the Moors who gave valuable knowledge and navigation that help build this country and the world. I hope this has provoked thought and that you continue the journey to find out your own truth.
Don't Ever Forget Your Origins and Know Thyself! Each One Teach One
Learn More:
The Five Black Presidents, J.A. Rogers, pdf, What They Never Told You In History Class, Volume I, by Indus Khamit Kush
(physical books ARE always better, ebooks and pdfs can be lost if and when the internet ever becomes completely censored due to all these attempts to have complete control over it, to knowledge such as this and more. Books have outlived people, even when they have been purposely burned in history to hide the truth; a physical person or people becomes "The Book," by word of mouth, retaining and/or channeling the information that has been acquired; which can and has been passed on to the generations.)