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The use of HAARP and EMF technology, aides the geoenignieering, which has been denied and at the same time exposed for what it is really for.
The military is just one company along with privatize companies that have partaken in this. I have come to learn that it is also called a, "Covert Climate Control Operation," due to the fact that the military's hands are in it and it being a a top secret scientific agenda . For those in the knowing it is not, " top secret," but, for those who choose to stay in the dark, it is.
Many civilians live their lives not even seeing what is happening right above their heads. People do not look up and when some do, they will say it is just a stream from a jet. Since when do jet streams last for hours and spread for miles like that, in a thick mist that does not dissipate, but, creates a plasma layering and within 24-72 hours the weather does a drastic change in temperature?
Now you have the weather channel and the rest in meteorology, hiding the truth about the weather. The weather reports that you are seeing are NOT real, they've been altered to accommodate the chemtrail spraying.
They've even gone as far as including these chemtrails in your children's cartoons and literature to, "make it seem normal." The unfortunate ill truth is, the majority do not even know or care to know that this is and has been going on for so long now and will debate you with straight chosen ignorance about it being done. My advice to you the reader and advocate who brings awareness, is, not to waste your time on people like that and to continue to spread your awareness by exposing the truth. In other words, keep it moving and be diligent in your walk and talk and just know that you are not alone in this at all, that there are several others like you doing the same thing and to stay strong by, "standing your square," peacefully.
When you look up the definitions one will find it will most likely say, "conspiracy theory/theorist," with those who want you to to beLIEve it is just a theory when it is really happening. I will say it again for those who haven't heard me say it, you have internet domains out here that are deliberately misleading you from the truth. So when yo are researching please use books also and do an extensive looking into what provoked your thoughts. See the jobs of these domains is to bring mass confusion through lies, which they have already done and a great example is the snow that burned and smelled like plastic, when lit. We all know that snow is suppose to melt once any type of heat hits it, well, unfortunately when many did the test of burning the snow, you had those who's jobs are to distract you, put their own videos up too on YouTube to debunk what was the obvious that there are chemicals in the snow. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it for what it is, just vision and plain old common sense. Look into if you haven't heard or seen about it.
Cloud seeding, which was invented by, the late Vincent J. Schaefer, it is "reported" he was the first to cloud seed that brought forth an artificial rainfall and snow. He gain worldwide, attention for his 1946 experiments for General Electric (GE), by making the first snow snow storm in a laboratory. He also induced precipitation outdoors that baffled scientist because it solved many of the mysteries of rain and snow in that community. So, I went a little deeper in my researching and found out that there were quite a few more scientists' prior to Schaefer: Professor Emory Leon Chaff at Harvard University in 1924, W. Veraart in 1930, and Professor Henry G. Houghton, who made attempts, utilized techniques, and had results that have been documented in the science community, but, not recognized by way of the majority in the media, who has glorified Schaefer, when he died in 1993.
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Photo via: Science In Seconds |
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Photo via: The Guardian |
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Photo via: Houston Free Thinkers |
In 1967-1972, Operation Popeye was in full effect with cloud seeding, in Southeast Asia. This was also the time of the Vietnam War when cloud seeding which deterred, "the so called enemy's trail was used to create an artificial rainfall.
Cloud seeding along with these chemical trails, contrails and chemtrails which are all part of geo-engineering/climate change engineering as they are called contains many chemicals in them such as silver iodide, barium, aluminum, lithium, arsenic, lead, mercury, strontium, mold spores, nano aluminum fiberglass, nickel, silver, etc; the list is beyond what you think and still being sprayed through military and private companies aircraft's till this day and with more noticeable spraying be recognized and reported by those who care to look up into the skies and bring more awareness to this world. The majority doesn't care to even know that it exists and what true side effects it has on us, nature, and planet earth. Always remember that wind travels so no one is truly safe from these poisons and must detox, plant trees that rid the air of toxins such as bamboo or hemp for outdoors, just make sure it, hemp, is legal in your neck of the woods and for indoors bamboo also along with spider plant, English ivy and more.
Photo by: Cyndi SoEccentric, in my neighborhood |
Photo: Cyndi SoEccentric, Plasma layering of chemicals used in geo-engineering |
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Photo via: Banoosh :Plane Spraying Chemtrails |
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Photo via: Banoosh: Inside of Plane that sprays Chemtrails |
When global warming is used as a crutch and a key financial gain for the corporations and their puppets whose faces are in the fore front, such as Al Gore, it shows the measures being taken to fool the world. So while they are laughing all the way to the bank as they are cashing in by becoming billionaires, the planet's ionosphere, atmosphere and stratosphere is being damaged in every way possible, by any means.
Cooling off the planet by way of geoengineering does nothing more that creates long terms affects that these scientist don't even know what they will be, yet, they continue to spray like crazy. The warming of the planet is really not as high as these scientist claimed, yes, it is hotter, but, not to the point that it can, "REALLY," be.
With the use of common sense, which is scarce these days because people like to be told things and not apply any critical thinking and questioning; then turn around and beLIEve in what is being said and not research thoroughly. One can basically put together the pieces to the puzzle of what can happen to the human body, by also including the side effects of these chemicals being used, but will they?
I will end this by leaving you with some valuable information from 2 excellent videos below; because I can really go in on this topic, but, wanted you the reader to see and hear this from those who are on the inside. I ask that you share all information possible to expose the truth. Ms. Kristen Meghan, is speaking it the first video, she also gives you even more valuable information of where to send in your own collected samples of what is falling out of the sky by way of geoengineering and Dane Wigington in the second:
Geoengineering Whistleblower ~ Ex-Military ~ Kristen Meghan
Just know what is being done to this planet, nature, and mankind which is genocide by way of geoengineering, are ALL illegal and they are, "Weapons of Mass Destruction that are known as Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars," and that war is on everything I stated at the beginning of this sentence. Now that you know about this, for those who were in the dark, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to continue to ignore it and be part of the problem or expose the truth and be a part of the solution? In the future your children and the generations to come in your families will have to deal with this, if we in the present do not act now. The time is, "NOW."
Check out my Page on Facebook: Each One Teach One
Learn More:
Military Insider Comes Forward About Chemtrails We are change Interview Kristen Meghan
The Consequences Of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols On Human Health
Playing God: 4 Geoenigneering Doomed to Fail While Polluting The Earth
Chemtrails Confirmed Again: Modern Turbofan Engines Less Likely To Produce Contrails
NASA Admits To Chemtrails As They Propose Spraying Stratospheric Aerosols Into Earths's..
Chemtrails and Chemtrails- What Are They Spraying? Stop Spraying California
Geoengineering Watch-Dane Wigington
HAARP, EMF Technology: Much Worst Than We Thought!
Houston Free Thinkers- Geo-Engineering
Vietnam War Chemtrails and Weather Modification, via COVVHA
Geo-engineering: greed versus greed in the race to cool the planet.
Chemtrails- Us Military Continues To Spray Chemical-Laden Skytrails
And Now It's Global Cooling! Return of Arctic Ice Cap AS It Grows 29% A Year
2012-Significant Climate Anomalies and Events (it is more than what is being shown by NOAA)
2013-Significant Climate Anomalies and Events
2014-Significant Climate Anomalies and Events(so far for the new year)