Now let me get this out there before I begin this article. I too was a believer in this so called theory of "Global Warming," but after reading certain articles, speaking to others, and doing my own research I am no longer in that loop hole.. I will give a brief summary of what Global Warming is and what the scientific community says about this.
Global Warming according to Webster's Dictionary is an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere(especially a sustained increase that causes climate changes). Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the most important greenhouse gas produced by human activities, i.e. when we breathe out of our mouths, and is emitted naturally through carbon cycles by the burning of fossil fuels. It is a natural compound in the earth's atmosphere.
Ask yourself what happened to Emissions Testings for vehicles? If your car didn't pass due to too much carbon dioxide being processed you wouldn't be allowed to renew your yearly registration and insurance; the consumer had to come out of their pockets to "fix the problem." Wasn't this a way to decrease the carbon dioxide that our cars let out into the atmosphere? What happened?
On April 22, 1970 Earth Day was started to celebrate, bring awareness to environmental issues and protection of the Earth, etc; was this created by one world politicians, environmentalists, IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) and the UN for the right reasons? Now, let's look at what we have been told by mainstream media, Ex-Vice President Al Gore, Science community, one world politicians, and good old-fashion plain common sense.
It is a scientific fact that we are in 1000yr Solar Cycle, that we are at the peak of the cycle, and are experiencing Sun Spots/Sun Bursts. This Solar Cycle (Sun Cycle) is a period of time which averages 11 years of certain phenomena, as maximum sunspot activity recur on the sun. Just a few months ago the sun had an explosion and these same solar explosions/sunbursts were orbiting extremely close to the earth and will continue until late next year. The meteorite like objects (much bigger than the size of the earth) can get too close to the earth's atmosphere and can cause our communications to go out i.e. cell phones and satellites.
Now, we have been experiencing these extreme heat waves and droughts this summer that has many saying that it is global warming; but is it really? (Remember to keep in mind of the Solar Cycle that we are currently in when determining this.) Just a few days ago it was reported that Polar Bears were found dead. Even though, many believe that global warming is the cause; there wasn't an actual autopsy conducted proving scientifically that global warming was the actual reason.
Most of us know that Ex-Vice President AL Gore is an huge advocate for Global Warming and has received a Noble Peace Prize, a Grammy and an Oscar for his film "The Inconvenient Truth". I can remember all the hype about his contribution and research on Global Warming. At the same time, John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel and other many scientists' (about 30,000 & 9,000+ with PH.D's) have come out against this claim of global warming. Why has Al Gore declined to have debates with these same scientists about global warming? Mr. Gore who is not a scientist has put the icing on the cake by convincing the world that we are experiencing this. He and others have made 'billions" on The Climate Project. Is this another big corporate scandal to gain funding for something that is totally a hoax? We must always find out who is funding these people when they are on their crusades to help the people and the world. I say this because most of the times it is companies who have been known to be in fraud or who have destroyed our valuable resources. Behind that face (i.e. famous spokes person) there's some else who is steering the corporate wheel. Is this mind control to trick the masses into believing that this really exist?
Man has his share in destroying this earth and speeding up the process by oil drilling, bombing (war), the pollution made from big factories, chemical trails, and HAARP which has contributed to the declination to the air, sea, earth's core and its magnetic field. We must take responsibility for our doings and not put the blame on something that those who have made claims on. Proof and factual information is the key not on "hearsay." Our Planet is reacting to man's destruction, the change in solar system, and the alignment of the stars in the universe; not global warming. Here's another example: If you are a religious person (or not) you can go to the Lord's prayer "Our Father" which states "world without end." Hmmmmm.. I say. It makes you think, doesn't it? The Most High says it's about His world and not about the existence of the human race (which can be eliminated). Our Planet is a living organism it has a soul/an ether. Why do you think when it rains life sprouts and plants grow? If there were to be some sort of explosion (not speaking religiously) we would be the ones to go(some may survive) and the earth will regenerate herself. Prophecies by Native Americans, Mayan civilization, the Chinese with the I Ching, and many other groups also speak upon a great catastrophe. Their calendars were different from the ones that we use now, but still states that something will happen. Here's another question with the technology that is out there today are things being force in order to speed up a disaster? There is truth in the information that was given and we can see/feel these changes; but, please don't blame this so-called "Global Warming." Man has abused and lost respect for this great creation Mother Earth and she will retaliate on her own way and in her own time....What will be will be. Each One Teach One...
Learn More:
Global Warming Petition Project:
John Coleman speaks on lawsuit against Al Gore:
Al Gore's site:
Al Gore Lies Exposed By Congress:
Global Warming Fraud:
NASA/Marshall Solar Physics: The Sun Spot Cycle
Solar Cycle is Peaking Late 2011 to Mid 2012
Is Global Warming a Hoax?
Americans Increasingly Wishy-Washy About Global Warming
Global Warming according to Webster's Dictionary is an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere(especially a sustained increase that causes climate changes). Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the most important greenhouse gas produced by human activities, i.e. when we breathe out of our mouths, and is emitted naturally through carbon cycles by the burning of fossil fuels. It is a natural compound in the earth's atmosphere.
Ask yourself what happened to Emissions Testings for vehicles? If your car didn't pass due to too much carbon dioxide being processed you wouldn't be allowed to renew your yearly registration and insurance; the consumer had to come out of their pockets to "fix the problem." Wasn't this a way to decrease the carbon dioxide that our cars let out into the atmosphere? What happened?
On April 22, 1970 Earth Day was started to celebrate, bring awareness to environmental issues and protection of the Earth, etc; was this created by one world politicians, environmentalists, IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) and the UN for the right reasons? Now, let's look at what we have been told by mainstream media, Ex-Vice President Al Gore, Science community, one world politicians, and good old-fashion plain common sense.
It is a scientific fact that we are in 1000yr Solar Cycle, that we are at the peak of the cycle, and are experiencing Sun Spots/Sun Bursts. This Solar Cycle (Sun Cycle) is a period of time which averages 11 years of certain phenomena, as maximum sunspot activity recur on the sun. Just a few months ago the sun had an explosion and these same solar explosions/sunbursts were orbiting extremely close to the earth and will continue until late next year. The meteorite like objects (much bigger than the size of the earth) can get too close to the earth's atmosphere and can cause our communications to go out i.e. cell phones and satellites.
Now, we have been experiencing these extreme heat waves and droughts this summer that has many saying that it is global warming; but is it really? (Remember to keep in mind of the Solar Cycle that we are currently in when determining this.) Just a few days ago it was reported that Polar Bears were found dead. Even though, many believe that global warming is the cause; there wasn't an actual autopsy conducted proving scientifically that global warming was the actual reason.
Most of us know that Ex-Vice President AL Gore is an huge advocate for Global Warming and has received a Noble Peace Prize, a Grammy and an Oscar for his film "The Inconvenient Truth". I can remember all the hype about his contribution and research on Global Warming. At the same time, John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel and other many scientists' (about 30,000 & 9,000+ with PH.D's) have come out against this claim of global warming. Why has Al Gore declined to have debates with these same scientists about global warming? Mr. Gore who is not a scientist has put the icing on the cake by convincing the world that we are experiencing this. He and others have made 'billions" on The Climate Project. Is this another big corporate scandal to gain funding for something that is totally a hoax? We must always find out who is funding these people when they are on their crusades to help the people and the world. I say this because most of the times it is companies who have been known to be in fraud or who have destroyed our valuable resources. Behind that face (i.e. famous spokes person) there's some else who is steering the corporate wheel. Is this mind control to trick the masses into believing that this really exist?
Learn More:
Global Warming Petition Project:
John Coleman speaks on lawsuit against Al Gore:
Al Gore's site:
Al Gore Lies Exposed By Congress:
Global Warming Fraud:
NASA/Marshall Solar Physics: The Sun Spot Cycle
Solar Cycle is Peaking Late 2011 to Mid 2012
Is Global Warming a Hoax?
Americans Increasingly Wishy-Washy About Global Warming