![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj8HdaKULR7tMtFyqOyubm3u-xqQmGtD0Pu6sUq4uw_-EERQmiehU_iIw7AGdlyfQxxaeXB8B4hH7SbnX-oHF32Os04B2IdOBbMY-9aGWWTv7Mgg6uAtFscdHROs5xRQA54vtYJzCo6PpXa/s1600/Information.PNG) |
Image: Information Fluency |
So, today I decided to post from a satire site that I saw was posted from a page that is mainly credible that I follow on Facebook. See, I read the heading first which had itself as "breaking news," and about U.S. President, Mr. Obama giving black repartitions as a compensations at the tax payers dollar. I am not being verbatim on purpose about this heading; go find it yourselves, and you will see what I am saying, but, you get my point of what it is pertaining to.
As soon as I saw this heading, I knew it was on some bullshit, because the U.S. will not repatriate shit to us Melanoids. 40 acres and a mule? Yea right, our 40 acres and that mule was stolen long ago by the hands of the oppressor when he invaded indigenous land and rounded up our brothers and sisters who are labeled "Natives," on this soil and place them in "reservations," and enslaved the rest of the bloodline that is of Africoids on "plantations." Native American bloodlines run back to Alkebulan (Africa); that is REAL history and not what the oppressor has taught you as he and his system, "white," washed them; the further you go in real history the darker the melanin, which is the pigmentation in that skin that they are wearing. The only way to know is to go find it. I am not here to hold anyone's hand and give you all the answers you must do your part to help yourselves in your own personal growth; let me make that very clear to you. I am just a guide who found her own truth long ago and continues to.
Moving on, we Melanoids, will be fought all the way by those who are against repatriations that we are sole entitled too within our Birth Rights on this planet, in this system, and this same system was used to oppress us as a race within this global oppression. We are the ONLY ones who have not received back from our,
"Black Holocaust," that continues in this current day, that and is continued to be intentionally ignored. (i.e. lynchings still happening on this soil, Mississippi the deceased Mr. Otis Byrd and the plethora of shootings of innocent black males by the hands of the oppressor's system what was once called, "the overseer," to "slave patrols," then became the night watchers, that is now known as "police," who many are the offspring of past KKK members and who now carry that torch judicially
(every branch of it), in this system and you have the coons just doing what coons do by being good slaves and helping; oh, they do not get a pass for their participation they are just as guilty).
See, the majority of Amerikkka ( I can put those 3 k's; this system was built on racism), will not even consider this, it being a holocaust, because in their system we are labeled as "cattle," or you can say "livestock." That slave masters were able to get insurance off of when that stock was lost or shall I say, "took a loss financially,"
(some where denied later on, in the U.S. and England, who were trying to still collect when slavery was, "so called," abolished). No slave, no money, no profit.
We are also called livestock by those who label themselves as "jews ,"
(we who know the truth know that you are not the real ones and that you wrote yourselves into, "his-story"), also in their "holy books," Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian teachings, to be exact, or shall I say "goyims," aka "cattle." It is just one of many names they have for us and all labeled "non white," in this racist system that is ran by many of them and their families; 13 families to be exact. Stick to the story and get to the point? Well, that history is given to you for you to see how far back these terminologies have come from and gone; it is in their fundamental religion and also ral history given in the paragraph before this one. You must know REAL history in order to know why things are the way that they are in the present; so humble yourself and allow me to be and reserve my constitutional rights to exercise my," RIGHTS" the, "FREEDOM OF SPEECH," which is truly my,"FREE WILL OF SPEECH," granted to me by the Creator known as "Natural and/or Universal Law," that does exist and is recognized in this "system." So, do yourself the favor and pump your emotional bus brakes; hear me out, as I give you the truth, that comes with real history and not "his-story." There is no need for all that precious Energy to go to waste when it could be put towards something else, that helps uplift, and empower you instead.
Now, in the Caribbean, they have started a
movement for repatriations that is growing and a few here in the U.S. know about it that are attempting to get recognition of this for it to grow from involvement to make it happen here in on this soil. So, I decided to research online and found only that heading and no article to come along with the link that I had repost. Yes, I still knowingly posted to my page
Each One Teach One and my personal wall on Facebook, because I wanted to do an experiment to prove how misleading information known as "disinformation," will have everyone beLIEving and not KNOWING and that how your controlled media does the same thing everyday all damn day, yet, those who are asleep in this matrix will fight you for it not knowing that they are fighting for something that is against them; especially, the Melanoids. I will make it very clear, that my words go out to my people first in ALL that I do to help guide them, yet, it is their choice and yours the reader to choose to listen, take in, and apply yourselves. Many of you will label that hate for what I just stated. No, its call loving your bloodline and guiding them to see the truth; it is my choice of "free will." So please do not use me as your emotional scape goat here either.
Everyday you are lied to about headlines by the mainstream media, no matter what form it takes newspaper, magazine, internet, tv, etc. Lies are told everyday people; every single day. The majority are swallowing this up with absolutely no questioning or researching; but, will regurgitated that story as if they have experience it and/or are there editing what stories are to be shown by mainstream media. This same headline comes on
every half hour of the news being shown on your,
"tell lies in vision (television);" all you have to do is pay attention of the timing and you will see what I am saying.
So when the satire sites does this and gets down played and people "go in," on the person who posted from it knowing or even not knowing it is a satire. What difference does it truly make on your reaction? Meaning, the majority of you did not take the time out check the story that msm (main stream media), has on our screens, but, you want to have a manhunt for a satire site? Hmmmmm.. I will give you a few to think about what I just stated..How come you do not go in on the msm and all forms of it? Why do you comment on their walls and pages by saying they need to do their research before they post shit like this?" Well, you need to do your research after the shit load of lies you are being told by msm and stop help pushing an agenda that is being used against you globally by the same people who control and own the media; who have crisis actors bring paid to bring you a a donkey show that is called, "news." Who uses a green screen to create fake occurrences and target certain groups of people by way of this controlled media and its lies, that many of you join in and start to chastised these people off of bold face lies with no real proof, but, actors carrying out some scripted scenes. The profiteers does what it takes to continue this vicious cycle of lies by using a "ponzi shceme," that keeps them in place of a hierarchy position at your expense and your ignorance. What you are seeing is the result of
"shadow," involvement of situations world wide that have occurred for years that have built up and now retaliation is on the rise against what has been done to a people by the hands of those who keep pointing the finger at everyone else who are deemed more like "accused of being," "terrorist," but, except, those who have pointed the fingers and have been doing some horrible things behind close doors to the same people they are accusing." I had to say that in two different ways because it is that serious. When the PATRIOT Act is nothing more than act moved to push agendas other wise known as NWO (New World Order), that are being fulfilled right in front of your faces and by your help because you continue to entertain the fuckery of lies. Many of you do not know or choose to have the slightest clue of the involvement of what the government has been doing behind closed doors for centuries now, yet, you are their prey to keep the stories alive, because if you knew to the truth and accepted it, you would have done something long ago. Many choose still not to see the truth and continue to deny it out of fear; trust me, you would not be supporting half the mess that is being shown on t.v. that is being stated as "happening,"but you do out of programming. You are watching a "televised program," right? Do you even realize that? Ask yourself this, how does one fund people who are suppose to be terrorists and then turn around and label the same group they not only funded but created, are now the enemy? First of all, why was the group created? Who is and was funding them? Why are you not asking this? Do you not see something wrong with that? So you not see how msm and this agenda tries your intellect? Yet, many of you are still carrying the torch and are not only on the sheepwagon, but, driving it for them.
If you are like "here she goes with the NWO bullshit." I will say here you go covering up, aiding and abiding disagreeable beings in their demise and being good sheep. Because for one to argue about what is being stated and not argue, question or research what msm is showing you; you are their fool walking around here on this soil and across the planet. What ya'll can't see the same story line with just a different face being used? How many more boogeyman/men are going to come out as harming their people by using some gas on the children? Or a massacre of people that is being blamed on an insurgent who was on the payroll of the one pointing the finger prior? Those murdered that are real dead and it is not some blasted green screen behind them are casualties of that shadow war. This is used as,
"Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars."
While on this soil the U.S. through the military and private companies continues to poison the air through geoengineering aka chemtrails, MONSANTO/Dupont aka "MONSATAN," keeps on poisoning our foods and they all get a free pass by this government who have created laws to protect them. The PATRIOT Act protects the propaganda, via by good 'ol cool ass
(sarcasm) Barry himself, Our President Mr Obama; in 2012. So, you cannot sue the media for their lies. He has also protected his friends at MONSANTO from being sued. Did you know that a majority of our president's cabinet was once employed and some still are by MONSANTO? Gotta keep that money in the circle, huh? While you and your children are being poisoned with fake food and people like myself and others are fighting for you to have real food, water, and clean air to breathe. But, unfortunately, there are many out here entertaining the distractions and fighting among yourselves and each other about bullshit; that doesn't bring forth any solutions, just bickering. Really though people? Is not where you reside on this planet more and the body which you live in important and its well being? Mother Earth is the only home you have out side your physical shell and we have let the disagreeable beings not only have us bickering within our own groups but with each other as a whole; all people. While they shit back collect that money, eat real foods, and laugh at us all the way to the rahtid bank! Seriously!?
Choose to wake up and stop being pawns in this game. You are the pieces to this puzzles that creates the bigger picture. So many of you, especially the Melanoids are waiting for this sky to open up and be "saved," i.e. westernized christianity. Oh, I am not leaving out the other fundamental ones either that too has culturally assimilated you from your roots in Spirituality and your "practices," from Alkebulan. You will lose in this in a way that you have lost yourself and real history. You have your "god(s)" waiting on you all to see the POWER within you all of that God Body, God Consciousness of the Higher and the Higher Self within your
pineal gland to, "rise up." That is why you were granted free will to choose just as long you can handle the consequences of your choices and actions. The truthful said thing is, you have lost yourselves and allow humankind to trick you with fundamental religion, which
IS a institution of this system and is funded by it; tax free. So you really think that brick and mortar institution that is a religious place that is being funded by the government will really give you the truth? That was used to enslave your ancestors and now you; the Melanoid? Allow that to marinate.
The lies of mainstream media, and the puppets that are used as a fore front who are no more than CEO's for a nation that is a corporation and not a country on this soil. This infection has spread throughout this world and it is only the few who choose to wake up and do their part are truly free within their minds. Know the difference of who the real enemy is and use your investigation that you like to prove people "wrong," with, on these social networks. Instead, on and against the real tyrants who are doing all it takes to keep you blind and it has worked; instead of those who are attempting to help you see the light and truth in all this darkness; by using their own system against them judicially. So what happens when peace don't work and you done use their system against them and that isn't working either? What else is left? I will let you figure that one out for yourselves.
Change: you must choose to, you must want, it you must apply it in order for it to work and it starts with you just changing your mind state on your own free will; not by the hand of msm, the agenda, and this oppressive system that keeps you in fear and intentionally causing false flags to push an agenda that bring forth laws that takes away your civil liberties because your ass is too busy being distracted on some bullshit that is not a priority.
Your children will be left to fend for themselves and I feel sorry for the children of the those who choose to stay asleep because they too will be like this and only a few of them will choose to wake up but, it starts with you as their first teachers. Can you accept the truth of what is happening though? The majority cannot and have not.
Take all that energy you have that you like to call people out on and use it against what is oppressing you. We are now living in an, "economic slavery," the slave no longer is so called,"cared for." The slave is now paying to survive and live. Now the system has been flipped and includes all those who don't know what time it is about that "privilege," but, we are still separated by the "oppression," through class and status. Before you come at me in a negative way, make sure you know the etymology of the english language and the
origin of racism which is oppression and not these new modern terms that have my people calling each other racist when we
cannot be "racist." What and who do we control in this system? huh? What class and status do we have that is in power? People out here calling each other racist, due, ignorance that is intentionally taught in the systems institutions. For example: In legalese, the color card, does not exist, to "a point,"and if you use that you are showing and telling the courts you are confirming you are a slave in this system verbally. I said, "to a point," because they will flip that mess on you so fast when you use "color." It is two different worlds and languages; learn the difference of and within this system.
Furthermore, get your facts straight before you allow your emotions to mislead you on all and anything you seek and put out into this world; it is a lesson to not only be taught, but, to be learned by all of us. Allow this to sink in; by allowing your Minds to "bend," not, "wrap around," like you are taught in society, which dumbs you down. I would normally give you hyperlinks within the blog to help you in an abundance, but, I want you to think, question, and research; not only on the web, but, in books. You do not know who own what domains and their true intentions of the information given on those sites. Google already got caught hiding people's domains that exposes the truth; you can look that one up too.
I wanted to show you all, that, the time you take to prove people wrong in some fuckery needs be taken against the same ones who are intentionally misleading you for their own self reasons which brings forth personal gain to them only. Do your homework on what is being reported from that idiot box they call t.v. Pay attention to stories that have the same plot to them. There is
no such thing as a coincidence, people. Where there is confusion there are lies; always remember that when you do your researching and questioning.
Do not confuse the truth for hate as many do and do not hold me responsible for your own emotions. I cannot be responsible for how you interpret what I say; that is on you and your person that you must face sooner or later. I am not the enemy; know who the real enemy is. I am raw and uncut, you may not like what I say but, you will respect it; the truth does not care about emotions. Life is more easier when you just say things for what they are; it eliminates all the fuckery of drama. But, how the person takes it' is on them. So don't take your personal problem out on the messenger(s) of it; as it has been done is real history. The vicious cycle that has literally killed innocent people. I will not be some victim either; know who and what you are really dealing with before you pass judgement. Get to know me and you will see and ask why I am doing what I do, have done, and will continue to do until my Master, the Supreme Super Natural Being, calls for me. Do not allow your anger to be your driving force; for it is not mine (anger). I do this because I will serve my many purposes on this realm this second time around, I love and I am passionate about my people, to help uplift and empower them, this planet, and life itself. Hotep! Remember to,
"Each One Teach One," and evolve..
This was not to insult you the reader, it was to provoke thought, question, and research. For one to see things in a different light; that was raw and uncut with no frills or sugar coating. That is outside the "imaginary box," that you have been intentionally misled to beLIEve exists. THINK and BEND YOUR MINDS..
"He who controls the media, minds, food, land, water, institutions, and society as a whole; he not only controls, but, rules he the world.""Stop aiding and abiding in your own enslavement; choose to wake up."~Cyndi SoEccentric
The Time Is Now.
Myself, Cyndi SoEccentric The Word Racism
Dr. Cress Welsing, The Isis Papers, (video)
Dr. John Henrik Clarke,
Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan
Professor Griff
The Wright Museum
Jordan Maxwell
William Cooper, pdf, Behold A Pale Horse
Noam Chomsky