Fukushima Radiation: Why Is It Still Being Ignored?

Image: CNN.com

On March 11, 2011, Japan experienced an earthquake of a 9.0 magnitude, that brought forth a Tsunami which devastated that region. Initially, there were 11 reactors that was working before the earthquake hit, at the 4 nuclear power plants which ending up shutting down. These were: the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO's) Fukushima Daiichi, Fukushima Daini, Tohoku's Onagawa, and Japco Tokai. At the Fukushima Daiichi, it was units 1-3 that was the main problem at first, but, on day 5 reactor 4 became the major problem.

Photo: journeys4good.com

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant after earthquake & tsunami March 14, 2011, Photo: reuters.com

The Japanese government along with TEPCO continued to hide the fact that the reactors took on more water than what was being reported. With the power grid or back up generators working at the time from the RHR (Residual Heat Removal), 8 out of the 11 units began to cool back down within 4 days. Unfortunately, the other reactors at Fukushima Daiichi lost power about one hour after the quake hit and the water from the tsunami came in which caused the temperature began to rise in  reactors 4, 5, and 6 due, to the fact that power was disabled to 12 of the 13 back up generators on the premises. Power was also lost to the heat exchangers for dumping the reactors waste and heat into the sea.  I will add, that the electric switch gears also failed. This placed all workers at high risk of radiation, who worked around the clock to remove the contaminated water which was dumped into the Pacific ocean also.

Image: World Nuclear Association

According to the World Nuclear Association the Fukushima Accident  (Updated February 2015)

For the next several weeks attempts were made to get the reactors back up and working by the employees of TEPCO, contractors, and the fire fighters. There was also an on site harden emergency response center, but, it could not be used due, to the contamination of radiation. So, it was like back to square one on how to get the reactor 4 to cool down without a major nuclear meltdown happening. As aftershocks continued, some were at a 7.0 magnitude; this placed the plant and its workers at an even more of a greater risk.

Now, that you are familiarized with what actually happened. I am going to fast forward through the past 4 years of what has been ignored by the West, its controlled mainstream media, and the majority of the public. Since 2011, of this devastation more than 180,000 have died and most had drowned in the tsunami. It was reported that Daiichi suffered a level 7 meltdown after the tsunami. Over 300,000 have lost their homes, that are still in temporary housing two years later and till this day debris continues to wash up on the shorelines of the Pacific west coast of the United States.

So what about all that radiation? Well, here are 3 Disturbing Facts The Government Is Covering Up. It is also reported that the radiation levels that is being reported is 95% higher than what was being reported that TEPCO now admits to.

Why all the lies and covering up? What is really going on and what truly caused the beast of an earthquake, along with the tsunami; that rocked Japan the way that it did? Here's an article by Jim Stone Freelance that will shed some light on questions. Was Japan's 3/11 its 9/11? I'll let you decide after what the information provided states and I encourage you to do our own researching also.

Scientists and researchers across the planet have come forward stating that the radiation has already reached the U.S. and other parts of the globe. That also the agriculture, ecosystem, and the people have shown signs of radiation contamination in Japan. That Japanese children are showing signs of thyroid cancer and it is on the rise in that region. Once again the controlled mainstream media is not telling you this and why?

The U.S. has also stockpiled on potassium iodide to the point that there was a shortage of it. This isn't some paranoia tactic on my part it is for you to ask why and see for yourself because there are way too many loopholes in this. Wildlife such as salmon, cod, polar bears, walruses, a die off of moose, and baby sea lions, have been washing up to the shorelines of California, and Alaska to name a few, with deformities and tumors, however, the pubic is being told that it is safe to eat seafood? There are claims of it being a "virus," to detour you also. So, can it be possible that the immune systems of these creatures are down,  due, to the radiation that is why they are "sick and dying off?" Let us not forget the seaweed also that has shown higher levels of radiation also. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure by one's two eyes that something is going on that isn't being said. Take a look at the sea and wild life then, you decide:


There is a worker from TEPCO by the name of Shinichi who was part of a team that laid electrical cables Fukushima 1 near plant 13 has filed a ground breaking lawsuit over radiation exposure. Shinichi has stated:

"I wish [the utility] had informed us of possible risks in advance,”
 Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun cites the 48-year-old man as saying at a news conference in Tokyo on Wednesday. “I want [operator Tokyo Electric Power Company] to create safer conditions for workers because the decommissioning of the reactors will not finish anytime soon.” (via: Natural Society)There are also farmers from Japan that have come forward stating that the agriculture is contaminated with radiation and they do not want to even grow these crops anymore. While, the Japanese government along with U.S. scientists, continues to say that everything is fine.

I will conclude with this, something is not right from what I researched on my own. There are too many conflicting stories on the side of the West. From what I have found, there are so many Japanese speaking out about this radiation and what is actually happening on that contaminated soil. These farmers are refusing to consume the vegetation, yet, their voices are not being heard loud enough. Are they being silenced? Also, just remember, that wind blows and the current of the ocean waves still flow. It has been 4 years now since this disaster and I have seen videos of common folks use radiation devices to go through the roof on the west coast. While more rubbish still finds its way onto the shores of the U.S.

I am going to put this out there as a," Food For Thought." How is it that Africa has now over a million plus Chinese and many more continue to leave that region of Asia and into the Motherland (Africa)? Is it because of what happened in the Pacific region with Fukushima or a combination of things such as the debt that Africa owes to China and/or AFRICOM? That's a whole other story; that is to be continued....

Look, all I can say is this, "prevention before cure." Here's a suggestion: do a bi-weekly detox from harmful metals in your system; regularly. If you consume fish just make sure that what you purchase is organic wild caught seafood not from that region; if that means anything. There are hyperlinks within this blog and there will be some guidance below to help you also. I hope this opens your eyes and that you go even further in this by continuing to follow the stories about what is happening in that region, Alaska , the pacific west coast of the U.S, stop ignoring it, and stay informed. The radiation is out there and it will not just disappear or evaporate like it never existed. Mother Earth, has suffered enough. Question everything.

Each One Teach One

Update: Outage Hits Pump At Fukushima Plant: Toxic Water Leaks Into Ocean


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nirs.org (pdf)
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