I wanted to share one of my secrets in this plant-based lifestyle that I live that will help you keep your protein intake up and your stomach filled throughout the day and that is a pea protein made from yellow peas by NOW Sports. This product is only made with pure non-gmo pea protein isolate from yellow peas (pisum sativum) in powder form. This brand's version of pea protein is easily digested due to the "thermic"effect it has (TEF: Thermic Effect of Food), with a smooth texture, and superior taste.  It is also allergy friendly; free of soy free and it is non dairy. The unflavored one is free of artificial sweeteners, artificial colors. It is great for Plant-based people like myself, vegans, vegetarians, macrobioticists, & raw foodists. (SN: There is a difference in being plant-based and being vegan; links below).

This is 1 leveled scoop pea protein equivalent to 24 g of protein

I use the Non-GMO version that is pure vegetable protein that has 24 grams per scoop which is the serving size of 1 scoop leveled that also contains 120 calories per scoop. There is a organic version of the pea protein also, however, I've come to learn that peas are highly sprayed with pesticides, so, I choose to use the non-gmo version instead that is unflavored because I can add my own flavoring to it to the tasting that I prefer. There is a misconception that many people have about organic foods and and it not being sprayed with pesticides which is totally false. It is not all organic foods, but, certain ones are sprayed with pesticides. It also depends on the farm it is grown on too and it's standards in farming with crops. So how is it organic if pesticides are being used for certain crops grown? I will leave that as a, "Food For Thought."

Yellow pea protein amino acids are also great for those whose bodies have issues absorbing nutrients and also for those with specific type of eating habits or "diets;" I really don't using the word diet so I will say lifestyle instead. It is great for the immune by giving it a boost, along with producing more of an antioxidant activity that will help oxygenate the blood cells. It works well with the central nervous system by aiding in its development and it also help combats fat build up. Yellow pea protein powder helps with hypertension and kidney disease. Kidney disease usually leads up to cardiovascular problems. Kidney disease can cause one to not urinate as much as they need to because there is a decrease in urine flow and that will make the toxins stay in the blood, body and keeps a key protein in the kidney that needs to be passed through.

The pea protein is also packed with amino acids that has 33 grams of amino acids per serving. Amino acids are known as the "building blocks," of protein because they are the chemical units necessary to make protein in the body, a great source of energy, and helps with the make up of all tissues and materials in the body which includes the in the helping of your flesh (muscle building and recovery), bones, skin, nails, RNA/DNA, hormones. This happens, especially, from the consumption of the yellow split pea protein that is isolate powder that is activated in enzymes. You will not have he same affect or health benefits by just eating yellow split peas in soup alone. Yellow split peas by itself does not have the high protein intake as it would when it is isolated; it will bound more to carbohydrates. When amino acids are combined with nitrogen they produced thousands of proteins in the body, but, not all are chemically formed, however, they become the end result of protein digestion. Your cells uses the amino acids to build each cell and what specific type of protein that each cell needs to help them function.

NOW Sports pea protein, has the 9 essential amino acids per serving : L-Histine (590), L-Isoleucine (1094), L-Luecine (2009), L-Lysine (1790), L-Methionine (211), L-Phenylalanine, L-Threonine (936), L-Tryptophan (211), L-Valine (1183). Non-essential amino acids (same grams per servings as listed above): L-Alanine (974), L-Arginine (2030), L-Aspartic Acid (4286), Glycine (1042), L-Serine (1248), L-Tyrosine (895). (SN: some of these amino acids are branched chained and some of the non essential amino acids can be turned into essential ones also).

Protein is necessary for the red blood cells to build, healthy weight, muscle mass (not a complete list). My son uses it more as an after work out regimen and it does wonders for him. I myself use it at least 3 times a week also when I do work out,and sometimes as a in between meal to make sure I am getting enough protein throughout the week, due, to my high metabolism. I make sure to eat more energy cell foods.

Raw Bee Pollen from Buzzn Bee who is a local vendor here in FL

Bee pollen is a complete food

The pea protein mixes, well, but I prefer to have it mixed in our Ninja blender with Hemp Protein, due, to the high benefits of the combination. Many times I consume this with super foods, such as: raw cacao (cocoa) powder, bee pollen (it is not the same as allergy causing pollen), or organic chlorella powder from NOW Food brand, almond milk, and a sweetener such as brown sugar, plant-based "BEE FREE HONEE," brand that is made from apples, agave, or maple syrup. I will add, that spirulina can also be used also. It is used to save those who are malnutrition in third world countries because it is the "perfect and complete food." Also, spirulina is older than chlorella, they are both in the "millions" age range of algae, but, they have two similar, yet, different functions. (links below)

UPDATE: (Options: you can add a banana, oats (soak them first), or both to mixture above and remember to increase the liquid if you do by at least a half cup. I highly suggest you use high speed type blender such as a Ninja, Nutri Bullet, Vitamix, etc., instead of the regular ones. They will extract the nutrients from the ingredients way better and will make them even more easier for your body to absorb).

This brand & Nutiva's Organic Hemp Protein is what I use

The pea protein is a supplement, so, it can be used as an in between meal or snack. If you love making smoothies; I highly recommend it to add into them also. Just remember to add in a dark green leafy vegetable such as kale, or spinach as examples with it to help give it a higher fiber boost since it is not the green pea powder and the yellow one instead  it has 35% iron (blood builder), that can harden your stool, especially, if there isn't enough fiber in your intake of foods. The high fiber is necessary to remove all toxins out of the bloodstream, gives you clear skin, and aids in fighting against dis-eases that are caused by inflammation in the blood, due, the lack of oxygen. That is why being regular with bowel movements, "daily," is imperative to optimum health which will aid in your life's longevity. You want to have at least 2 bowel movements a day for be "regular". Some have more bowels movements that are between 3-4 times daily that keeps their blood even more clearer of toxins when done correctly that will aid more in their health and those are uselessly people who are plant-based, vegans, macrobioticists, raw foodists, and vegetarians, due, to the high fiber intake. Just don't over do it with the fiber because then your gut will lose the healthy bacteria it needs to fight off dis-eases; balance it out.

Red meat has amino acids, but, the downfall is the amount acid itself from that meat. Red meat is highly acidic and it will turn your blood acidic when too much in consumed in the long run. Let us not forget the high fat content that starts to clog the arteries when too much is consumed and increase your cholesterol levels.  Eggs too have amino acids in them, but, too many eggs will trigger off high cholesterol also. Yes, there are "good"and bad," but, can you see my points on the subject itself? You want the blood to be and stay alkaline which keeps it dis-ease free so that your blood cells can form the way they need to build and fight off dis-eases. By eating more foods that are high and rich in antioxidants and anti inflammatory that are super foods which are high in alkaline; one can achieve that. It is all about the blood people and once you keep that blood strong that is alkalized you will see the rewards in your health.  Your food is no longer raised or grown the way it used to be. It's like every other day and week there are recalls for both plants, poultry seafoods, and meats. It is your choice in what you do.  All I can say is be and stay informed of what is going on, raise and grow your own and to choose wisely.

I enjoy using NOW FOODS brand and highly recommend them. I have been using the brand for over 5 years now and have been nothing, but, satisfied with their products in health and beauty (oils including essential oils), because I not only see the results, but, also feel them and see them. There are other brands out there that do carry the pea protein and also the green pea protein. Below I've left some links for you to venture into that can help you. I suggest that you do your own researching and speak to your health provider, a holistic nutritionist, or dietitian also.

Make sure to check out my page Each One Teach One Liberate Your Minds for the extensive meatless Monday I do every two weeks on Facebook that not only deals with the Plant-based lifestyle, Raw Foods, Macrobioticism, Veganism, Vegetarianism, tips and guides for those who are transitioning, but, also gives tips on wellness and health on that specific day also.

I hope this helps you on your journey and remember it is a lifestyle and not a diet when you have transitioned into the plant world! You ARE what you eat!

Be Inspired. Stay Creative. Cheers To Optimum Health & Longevity. Each One Teach One!


Whole-Food Plant Based vs A Vegan Diet

The Difference Between A Plant-Based, Vegan, & Macrobiotic Diet

NOW Pea Protein Powder (check out the site also)

Yellow Split Pea Protein For Hypertension and Kidney Disease

Health Benefits of Hemp Protein

Benefits of Organic Hemp Protein Powder

Amino Acid Supplements - Benefits and Side Effects

Amino Acid Benefits | Your Guide To Popular Amino Acids 

The Use of Bee Pollen As A Super Food

Bee Pollen Super Healing Power

Chlorella Health Benefits: Form Anti-Aging To Detox
Benefits of Spirulina, Nature's Most Perfect Food