California Budget Cuts Stir Students' Emotions

300,000 educators have been laid off since 2008 and the number continues to rise.

Americans are so busy trying to find employment, keep employment, and adjust to this changing economy that we live in; that most are not realizing how much it has effected the children.

We try our best not to show our children how hard things are, but, they do see what we go through as parents. Believe it or not our children take on the stress that we do even when it's not displayed. Sometimes you don't even realize how you have displayed these actions of stress. Guess what? That pre-schooler, elementary, middle, high school, and college student knows what is going on or have some idea. They too are suffering through this global economic crisis. Their schools are closing, they are being moved to new school districts, their teachers are not coming back to teach this new school year, certain classes have been cut that are no longer available, and the list goes on and on.

I wrote this article to bring awareness to the stress our little ones are going through. We must save this educational system. We cannot have a bunch of uneducated children walking around in the near future. We must act now or they will continue to rape our children's educational future.

How is it that cuts are made to things that are important i.e. education and health; but you don't cut from funds that are useless and costs the government more money to keep them running than to close it? The government priorities are only being met for them and not the people. We must change this!

The children of this nation and the world needs us. We must not fail them. We must not fail ourselves. We must not fail each other. Our children should not be on television crying about how they miss their schools and teachers; it is heartbreaking to see and hear. How can they focus on their lessons if the stress of society is visibly rearing its ugly head to them? We cannot always protect them but when it is time people it is time and now is that time to save our children. Talk to your children people. Listen to them and hear what they have to say about these changes that they are experiencing in school and at home. You would so surprised to know how much you can learn from them. They do pay attention...Each One Teach One...

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