Before you jump to conclusions of joy make sure that you have read the "FINE PRINT" if it is decided to join in your state.
I already have a problem with the acronym CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Programs). Just remember this for those who are on welfare that you are now reqired to receive the RFID CHIP. It is part of their scheme which is "said" to be used for identifying who you are and your medial records, but will be used for their "Agenda". Many are unaware that our President's Health Care Plan has a "requirement" for the CHIP to be implanted. So what makes you think they wouldn't do it to the children? This is not to alarm you it is to inform you to do your own research BEFORE you decide to sign up for this children's health program.
I will leave with this, the CHIP was invented to track us in "ALL" kind of ways. It is in our clothes, our passports, and will be used as an ID card for our bank accounts, driver's licenses, you name it, etc. So, our physical bodies will be no different to them. Many faces of the chip. Think about all the images on the link "many faces of the chip" then read the entire article:
Children's Health Program Opened To Low-Income State Employees | AHN:
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I already have a problem with the acronym CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Programs). Just remember this for those who are on welfare that you are now reqired to receive the RFID CHIP. It is part of their scheme which is "said" to be used for identifying who you are and your medial records, but will be used for their "Agenda". Many are unaware that our President's Health Care Plan has a "requirement" for the CHIP to be implanted. So what makes you think they wouldn't do it to the children? This is not to alarm you it is to inform you to do your own research BEFORE you decide to sign up for this children's health program.
I will leave with this, the CHIP was invented to track us in "ALL" kind of ways. It is in our clothes, our passports, and will be used as an ID card for our bank accounts, driver's licenses, you name it, etc. So, our physical bodies will be no different to them. Many faces of the chip. Think about all the images on the link "many faces of the chip" then read the entire article:
Children's Health Program Opened To Low-Income State Employees | AHN:
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